In today’s fast moving world, learning events such as conferences, workshops, training programs and the like are key for personal as well as professional development. This is why these events are such valuable sources of insight, skills and strategies, and will significantly increase both individual and organizational performance. Yet, there is often a big gap between the knowledge acquired at these events and that knowledge’s application within the organization, particularly when contrasting the public and private sectors.
This survey explores the motivations, experiences and real world impact of learning events on professionals from both sectors. In this paper, we aim at understanding why some professionals seem to translate their learning into organizational improvement while others struggle to do so. Getting your insights, we envision that we could figure out patterns, obstacles and opportunities to improve the effectiveness and relevance of learning events.
Your input is priceless, and your responses will help explain how to bridge that gap between learning and implementation. I appreciate the time you spend to write us, and we thank you for your experiences and opinions!
Important Note:
This survey is completely anonymous. No personal data will be tracked or collected, except for general background information necessary for the study. Your honest feedback is highly valued and will be used solely for research purposes to better understand the topic.
If you are interested in contributing to future studies or becoming part of my blog team “sodaitek.com”, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].
Thank you for your time and support!